Fit Mama Strong Mama Starts Here

It’s your time to shine, stop hiding your beautiful body or covering your stomach and start thriving! Enjoy every moment with your family, be present to play with your kids and live your best life whilst achieving the results you desire

Sound familiar?

✗ If you feel like you ‘missed the boat’ on your summer body 

✗ If this year is absolutely flying by 

✗ If you wish you'd you had more confidence or even a different body

✗ If you just don't have time for all the ‘fitness inspo’ BS…

We see you, we get it!

If you want it, you can have it!

✓ See results in as early as 2 weeks

✓ Time efficient workouts & time saving nutrition

✓ Maximise your results with minimum input - we are all about efficiency 

✓ Meet like minded mumma’s, our community thrives!

✓ Be supported and surrounded by women on your journey

Celebrate 2024 with your highest energy levels as you embrace continued confidence, self-love, and wellness for the rest of the year!

Book your free goal setting call with Kate Lambert to discover how we can create your Strong Mama Fit Mama era together. Hurry, we’re nearly halfway through 2024 already!

How do you want to finish the year?

Real Women, Real Results

Real Women, Real Results

Become a Fit Mama Strong Mama!

What’s included:

Busy mama time efficient training program - get results in as little as 40 minutes x 4 times per week

Personalised meal plan that will help you reach your goals & the whole family will enjoy

7 day support & guidance from Kate, and an entire community of other mum’s

Fortnightly video check-ins 1:1 to keep you accountable, on track and seeing results each week!

Hey Mama, I see you!

Hey Mama, I see you!

Real talk, answer me this…

Did you think 2024 was going to be any easier or did you just hope so? Realistically no matter what life throws our way, as mum’s we don’t put ourselves first, it’s just not in our nature. 

Running around after the kids, cleaning up after your man, keeping up with friends (barely) and of course trying to stay healthy - forget in shape.

This has to stop!

You can’t pour from an empty cup, you get the energy you receive, you are a role model. It’s time to put yourself first, stop surviving, start thriving and I promise you the world around you will shine brighter. 

What you do today can change tomorrow, you are not too far away from your ideal physique, confidence, lifestyle, energy levels, whatever it is you crave you can achieve it with health, wellness and will. 

Book your FREE goal setting session with me, Kate, and let’s do this together.


  • Not necessarily! Kate will be writing your training program personally, so she will make it tailored to either the gym or your home! If you’ll be training at home, it would be ideal if you had a few sets of dumbbells, 2-3 kettlebells, a workout mat, a swiss ball & booty bands!

  • Kate knows just how busy you are! Your workouts will be no more than 45 minutes, including a warmup. Kate will program 4-5 workouts per week for you, but depending on your schedule you can get results with as little as 3 workouts per week!

  • Not necessarily! Kate will write you a personalised meal plan so there is no requirement to track your food. However, if you want the ultimate flexibility Kate will also give you the tools & education to track your intake!

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