Most people when they think of Fat Loss they think of a LOT of exercise and a consistent nutrition strategy. Although training and eating well is a great start … you may be left wondering why you aren’t getting the results for what you are putting in.
Firstly SNAPS TO YOU for training and being on top of your nutrition!
But to make fat loss adaptations there are few more key factors that will help you get those results you are looking for. Take a sigh of relief because it’s not a fad diet or the latest product promising you all your dreams will come true but basic things our body needs and can easily be added to our everyday life!!
Let’s dive in..
1. Underrated but essential requirement for fat loss: WALKING (Daily Movement)
NEAT, or non-exercise activity thermogenesis (all movement outside of our workout) makes up a whopping 15% of our daily calorie burn, that's going to probably be MORE calories burnt per day than your workout!!
ACTION: Set yourself a step goal - at least 8,000 per day.
2.Under-rated but essential requirement for fat loss: SLEEP HYGIENE
Our hormones are regulated at night when we sleep. So if you're not getting enough sleep your hormones will not be functioning optimally. This is particularly true for the Grehlin (hunger hormone) & Leptin (satiety hormone). Meaning if they're not regulating properly you'll be more hungry and less likely to feel full AKA you'll want to eat more.
ACTION: Set yourself a sleep target - at least 7hrs per night
3. Under-rated but essential requirement for fat loss: STRESS MANAGEMENT
If our body is constantly running on high cortisol & adrenaline, the sympathetic nervous system will be dominant (AKA "fight or flight" mode). If our body believes we're in imminent danger ("fight or flight") fat loss is not going to be a high priority to our body. Fat loss adaptations occur in the parasympathetic nervous system (“rest & digest”)
ACTION: Develop a plan to reduce your stress - meditate, daily phone & work detox times
4.Under-rated but essential requirement for fat loss: MICRONUTRIENT INTAKE
Micronutrients!! Vitamins & minerals ensure our body's systems & processes are able to take place without issue. A good way to ensure you're getting enough micronutrients is to make sure you're eating at least 20g of fibre per day because it's VERY difficult to hit 20g of fibre without eating a shedload of fruit & veggies
ACTION: Get at least 20g of fibre every day!
I hope these small lifestyle changes will help give you the boost you need to get BIG RESULTS!
If you have questions or need some extra support, reach out. I’d love to hear from you, send through an email or shoot me a DM or join my Lifted Ladies Facebook group to meet other incredible women on a fitness journey.
Kate x